WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MARCH 26 & 27, 2025 • 10:30 am – 4:30 pm

Pre-registration is required to attend the institutes

1 - Planning for Effective Integrated and Designated ELD

Presenters: CABE PLS Team

Looking for ways to deepen your understanding of how to plan for and implement Integrated and Designated ELD? This two-day institute will provide a deep dive into California’s English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework in order to create and expand systemic, intentional, and effective ELD instruction. Important components of Integrated and Designated ELD will be examined, including content, language, and sociocultural objectives, differentiated sentence frames, use of graphic organizers, and structured academic language development. Learn steps for planning and implementing high-quality lessons!

2 - Effective Practices for Multilingual Learners in Early Childhood Settings

Presenters: CABE PLS Team

With over 60% of incoming preschool students in California classified as dual language learners, we must be prepared to serve and empower our students. This institute explores effective practices for developing bilingualism and biliteracy, high academic achievement, and sociocultural competence in early childhood classrooms. This training will include strategies for both Dual Language and Structured English Immersion settings, using CABE’s framework for Biliteracy in Early Learning and Language Schooling (BELLS.)

3 - Academia de Artes de Lenguaje en Español

Presenters: Silvia Dorta-Duque de Reyes, Benchmark Education/San Diego County Office of Education and Jorge Cuevas Antillón, San Diego County Office of Education

Vengan todos a aprender cómo funciona el español y cómo enseñarlo de manera eficaz y divertida. Nos enfocaremos en la integración coherente entre los dominios del lenguaje basada en los estándares. Repasaremos estrategias para las destrezas fundamentales y de gramática. Demostraremos estrategias para la enseñanza translingüística entre el español y el inglés. Se afirmará la pedagogía crítica, el multiculturalismo y la concientización social como métodos esenciales para la enseñanza de estudiantes en el siglo XXI.

4 - OCDE Project GLAD®: 2-Day Research & Theory

Presenters: Christie Baird, Orange County Department of Education and Nicole Chavéz, Orange County Department of Education

The Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) is the official National Training Center (NTC) for the Project GLAD® training model. The 2-Day Research & Theory Workshop highlights current research regarding effective educational practices for language learners. Participants will build understanding of how OCDE Project GLAD® promotes positive classroom culture and celebrates each student’s individual assets. This workshop applies research to practice by explicitly showing how ELD is embedded within the model, while gaining awareness of how to apply 21st century skills for all students.