WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 2025 • 7:30 am – 2:00 pm
(Returning at various times)
The following programs will be available during school site visits. Shuttle service will be provided.
Two-Way Bilingual/Dual Immersion Programs:
Dual language immersion integrates native English-speaking and English-language-learning students in the same classroom and provides academic instruction through two languages, one of which is the primary language of each group (e.g., Spanish and English). The students learn a second language while they are learning content. The goal of this program is to promote high levels of bilingualism/biliteracy in two languages.
CABE 2025 offers visits to three high-quality dual language programs in diverse languages.
a. Spanish and English
b. Korean and English
c. Vietnamese and English
Dual Immersion:
This middle school program is for both English learners (Spanish) and English-only students at the middle school level. Students interact as language models for each other in different content areas. The goal for all students is that they learn English and meet grade-appropriate academic achievement standards for grade promotion and graduation and become biliterate and multicultural scholars. The visit provides examples and models of how to grow a true dual language program to the secondary level.
a. Dual Language Program: This high school program is for both English learners (Spanish) and English-only students. Students interact as language models for each other in different content areas. The goal for all students is that they learn English, meet grade-appropriate academic achievement standards for grade promotion and graduation, and become biliterate and multicultural scholars. The visit provides examples and models of how to grow a true dual language program to the secondary level.
b. Long-Term English Learner/Newcomer Programs: The Newcomer program has helped to create urgency, move achievement, and progress monitor 200+ newcomer students enrolling at the district yearly. The LTEL program is increasing reclassification, progress monitoring, and a greater awareness of EL achievement. Leave with examples of progress monitoring tools, as well as other practical teaching strategies to increase Newcomer and LTEL achievement.